Student of the Month- Jessica Burgess, Parents Gary, Sylvia & Lee- Finalist for Gates Millennium Scholarship 
Student of the Month- Jessica Burgess, Parents Gary, Sylvia & Lee- Finalist for Gates Millennium Scholarship. ASU or San Diego State. 
What extracurricular activities does the student participate in? __Child Crisis Volunteer, Little Warriors outreach mentor (assisting nearby elementary students), orchestra
What volunteer or leadership activities does the student participate in? __Link Crew Leader, IB student assembly coordinator and presenter, youth group leader at her local church, and a student ambassador for our school.
Why do you believe that this student should be recognized by the Rotary Club? 
Jessica Burgess is one of our most dedicated, caring and respectful seniors in our district’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. She has consistently excelled in her studies, which has now earned her a place in our “Top 20” out of Westwood’s 709 seniors. She enjoys learning and has a genuine interest in education.  She is also not afraid of a challenge to reach her goal of attending a prestigious institute of higher learning as is evidenced by her academically rigorous class schedule. Furthermore, she has demonstrated courage and poise beyond her years by leaving her “home” schooling area to attend our district’s leading college prep program where she is now looked upon by her peers and our teachers as a student leader.
Her goal to obtain a Psychology degree and use that to assist children in need is more than just a goal, it is her persona. Whether it is in volunteering frequently at our local child crisis center, or taking time to mentor elementary students at our neighboring elementary school, Jessica has a smile on her face and so do the people she works with. Her life is a reflection of her caring and thoughtful nature. And with her innate ability to problem solve and remain calm in stressful situations, Jessica has what it takes to be a leader. Please give her your highest consideration.