Shelly Mowrey presents on her efforts with Drug Free AZ

Guest Speaker- Pinny's guest - Shelly Mowrey, Scottsdale for 18 years, for journalist & news producer, started Good Evening Arizona in 1994. Husband & son. Two years DEA Training.


Their mission is to prevent and reduce youth drug and alcohol use through community education and awareness by providing parents, caregivers, healthcare providers, educators and others with educational tools, information and resources.


In 2003, Arizona was selected as a start-up location for The Partnership's first chapter in the country based on feedback from community leaders, the need, and the work of volunteers stemming back to the early 1990s. In 2008, Arizona proudly became an Affiliate of the national Partnership for a Drug-Free America (The Partnership At, responsible for local governance, fundraising and sustainability.  The national organization was formed in 1986 and is based in New York City.  Best known for the fried egg television message, "This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs," the national Partnership has a track record of measurable successes over 20 years, including changes in attitudes toward drugs that result in actual reductions in drug use.


 2013 priorities for Arizona:


       •  Engaging and educating as many parents and caregivers as possible about their vital role in preventing youth drug and alcohol use;

       •  The trend of teen misuse and abuse of prescription drugs;

       •  Addressing the increase in synthetic drugs and marijuana use among our children;

       •  Continued focus on preventing the devastating effects of drugs and alcohol in our communities.



Shelly Mowrey, 602.264.5700 ext. 13--